There is a rhythm to your writing and I like it.

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Thank you so much! 🩷

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Jun 15Liked by ANGEL

This brought tears to my eyes. It's a feeling i have tried to articulate especially in regards to my past friendship-with-romantic-potential situation. I still see him in my dreams from time to time and I still think about him. After years of berating myself for these lingering feelings, I've come to a place of acceptance - that maybe he's just part of the marrow in my bones that I'll carry with me forever. Thank you for sharing this.

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“Part of the marrow in my bones” oh that’s so beautiful

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‘My heart is a graveyard.’ This was beautifully written and perfectly describes my ‘condition.’ I wrote a month or so back, ‘With your goodbye I feel the weight of all the goodbyes I have ever felt before.’ And you’ve perfectly described the feeling. To learning to let go and learning to carry out final funerals for those who have left our life

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So true Christabel. You have a beautiful name btw. I think it important to have funerals for everyone who leaves, dead or alive. Thank you for reading 🩷

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Thank you!! and also thank YOU for writing this beautiful piece. I wrote similar soul wretching sentiments in a post ‘what if the grief is eternal?’ if you’re interested, also happy to see another law student- writer pipeline. <3

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Your vulnerability is absolutely noble and very well written. As someone who finds it difficult to let go of people from years past, this really struck a note for me.

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I’m glad you enjoyed reading, Jordan 🩷

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Ah yes. I always say that every person who leaves my life, leaves a little scar in my heart. To me, letting go means occasionally thinking about this person, and feeling all the feelings you need to feel. It's like grieving someone who died, because the character they played in your life story essentially died. What helped me to let go more, was to become the best possible version of myself. It's much easier to let go of the grief that way, because you are building something with the experience you gained because you met these people. Stopping my monologue now haha 🙏

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Thank you so much for reading this, Maggie 🩷

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Jun 8Liked by ANGEL

So touching, and so identifiable. Thank you!

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Thank YOU for reading 🩷

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Jun 8Liked by ANGEL

Beautifully written.

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Thank you so much! ☺️

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Angel, the feelings evoked from your writing, wow!

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Thank you, thank you so much for reading! 🩷

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Thank you for writing too :)

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Hi Angel - so nice to feel heard by reading your words! I resonate with them a lot. Thank you for sharing and welcome to substack 🥰

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Thank you so much for being here, Barley <3

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Forget what is past and press on forward forgetting what is left behind- God. I hope you get out of your hell here. It is possible!

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Very vulnerable. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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Thank you for reading <3

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This is so beautifully written.

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Thank you, thank you!

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You are welcome!

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Dear Angel, I commented before about how beautifully written this piece is, the ghosts that inhabit this text and how you articulate the feelings, was incredibly moving for a lot of us!

I came back to share this thing I wrote called "How to rest the heart", hoping it might benefit you in some ways: https://dawnierschronicles.substack.com/p/how-to-rest-the-heart

Sending you love and heart rest ;)

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Thank you so much, Camille. I read it and it was so beautiful and so true. I'm going to save it so that I can go back to it whenever I need to be reminded of your words and wisdom. I'll make sure to rest my heart.

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Jun 5Liked by ANGEL


Those of us who feel deeply have our own graveyards.

You're not the only one

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It's a nice reminder I'm not alone. Thank you for reading, James.

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Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your journey. Your writing touches the soul and reminds us all of the bittersweet beauty of human connections. Keep writing and feeling—it’s a gift to the world. 🌸

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Thank you so much, Mohika!

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So sorry. But even graveyards are a place where life flourishes.

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Thank you for reading 🩷

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